after much speculation, too much debating and innumerable rumours( most of which i had a big contribution towards:D), the FAREWELL finally happened, on 25th April, 2009..
but for those who still dnt know what the whole fuss is about, i'll give u a taste of what goes into makin a farewell successful..
it's not the venue, or the food, or the music..
it's the EMOTION! :D
needless to say, the farewell party or the thought of it evoked memories of the past four years of engineering. And I am proud enough to say that I have thoroughly despised every moment of my undergraduation.But the last days in college have changed some of that..I am sure everyone feels the same..
The idea of being on our own, outside the protective environment all of us are used to, fending for ourselves, out in the BIG BAD WORLD full of sharks in suits has definitely got to many..
But strangely, it's not the protection of parents or teachers one would miss, it's the carmaderie everyone knows noone would find outside. The biggest fear all of us have is that noone would find friends again, that everyone will be competition.
From now on,no more morning movie shows for 50 bucks at spice. No chicken rolls at csc at 2 in the morning. No studyin a night before the exams and still managing to get through. No studyin in groups where everyone teaches everyone else. No samosas at FFC. No hanging out at the flagpost. No hostel nights. No mess parties. No PDP sessions during the now non-existent ragging. No orientations, no club meetings, no fests and last but not the least, no more MASS BUNKS..(the importance and futility of it can only be understood by JSSites).
People from all parts of UP come to JSS, and love the life here. As they say, they get used to the 'NCR way of living'. And now they cannot 'adjust' anywhere else. They hate the idea of going back home. They want to grip the last of whatever is left. And they'll do anything to have it.
That somehow proves how everyone realises the importance of somethin till they lose it!
As for people like me, who are waitin to get out of college, to be at home for 5 months till Infosys beckons, things coudnt get any better :P
The whole drama comes out in the PARTY, where people hug, girls cry( and ruin their make up), and everyone wants to get a picture clicked with every soul they've been friends, acquaintaces or classmates with.
Titles like 'Mr.Rambo' , 'Ms. Masakalli' are given!(sigh!).
Girls start getiin ready a day before with atleast 3 visits to the beauty parlours. Of course much more work,effort and discussion has already gone into the selection of saris, visits to the boutique, buying of accessories and what not.
But i guess all the effort pays off (Right, guys?);)
The event is always smile generating. And yes, everyone is thinkin about the future and how things will shape up. But things have been fine till now. They'll only get better.:)
Here's one to the FUTURE!