so..i thought i'll push my luck..and write about nothing and everything..just about anything!
i think i've been taking life too seriously..thinking too much lately..puzzling myself unduly..
i realised,for the umpteenth time,in the last few important friends are to me!
and how important I am to them!
trust me,feeling the latter makes life much much easier..
my two very close set of friends have turned out to be the biggest assets i have!
you can be a complete schmuck and still be honest about it..cos well..they would hear it all and still smile and still be with you!
it's amazing to see how the bond becomes stronger once you are no longer on ' daily meeting' terms with them!
something else now..
What is it with men and alcohol?Or smoke for that matter?
they never seem to have enough of it..
they dnt like being nagged about it!
they are practically ready to ruin everything else..just for the love of these completely despicable habits!
dnt get me wrong..
i am not a nun in anyway..but i think ppl who cannot do things in moderation are unhealthy..
and moderate is NOT a relative term!
another question..triggered by a recent blockbuster..
do long distance relationships work?
whenever i ask this question..i get the same answer..."they do if u want them to"
i think..they do..
any takers??
just one last thing..
what makes people stray in relationships?
the lack of love?
the lack of understanding?
lack of commitment?
or is it better understanding,more love,a stronger compatibilty that results in a new,stronger bond??
so strong that it makes a person come out of the comfort zone of an older,longer relationship?
like i said..i've been taking myself too seriously..
waitin for answers/comments/criticism...
nice thoughts.. nothin to comment/critise/answer as of now.. need to digest a lot.. maybe i'l hav a look at it again.. :)
ReplyDeletei'm sure your next post will be more of like dedicated to the fans (just like yesterday's deepika padukone's column in HT)..
keep it rollin'
@sapy: i didnt read that article..will do so now:)
ReplyDeleteI've been trying to figure the "what is it with men & alcohol/smoke" part myself, so do lemme know if there's anything progress on that front.
I'm a 'taker' for LDRs all the way. If you survive one without a split, be prepared to hear wedding bells!
i m nt a person who can comment on men n keepin dat aside,wud comment on d importance of friends..they can listen to all ur shit without sayin a wrd n also advise u..
ReplyDeleteCheers to friendship!!
"people write as and when they have to..whenever they want to..say things however they like..a writeup may or may not have a 'subject'. all that matters is a well written article.."
ReplyDelete-very true.. and it is not a bad idea to get in the habit of writing down one's thoughts. It saves one having to bother anyone else with them.:D and it's just an illusion, that people are going to bring their own stuff into it.. ;)
"men and alcohol"
- i feel yu hav aptly defined unhealthyness.. i have my acquiesce, but wt is it with women n bitchin', or with makeup(lol.. nthin else strikd my mind) fr that matter..??
"do long distance relationships work?" / "what makes people stray in relationships?"
- Let's face it.. most relationships we have in life don't work out. classifyin them is on yu..
and i feel assumptions are the termites of relatnshps.. wt say??
:) i need to try one,to expatiate more
huh.. looks like m writing my blog..comments are more demanding these days though.. :) cuttin d crap now..
its all random.. juz read n smoke n mix it in d air.. thts d most it deseves.. :D
@sapy: assumptions..termites in relationships??
u,unknowingly,have made me realised a lot!
always refreshing to know a guy's honest take on things!
as for bitching,men do it too!:D
and dnt seem to look beyond ur mistake again!;)
although i should be the last person to talk about handling relationships,the only thing i dnt agree to is that most of them dnt work!
Couple of reactions:
ReplyDeleteMy curiosity was piqued in terms of the concept of relativity. When you say "Moderate is not a relative term", I wondered what is absolutely moderate? Who defines it, and what is the standard? Having said that, I do agree that anything not exercised/indulged in moderation spells trouble (albeit, relative to my standards of moderations :-)!
My take on long distance relationships - they work, big time, with a capital B!!!
IMHO, people stray for a combination of twin traits - excess choices and increased intolerance; What do you think?
The previous post was a howler (not in the Harry Potter way); Keep it rolling, its good...
@hatikvah: well,moderate would be getting high..losing senses would be an excess!
ReplyDeleteon straying:i agree with the increased intolerance for the is inundated with so many that it HAS to be ruled out if one aspires for commitment..
the previous post is actually a tragedy:P and ironically,the best loved post so far:D