..since i was home, since i blogged, since i did absolutely nothing.
Reason: I started working with Infosys. Ironically, the number 2 IT service provider blocks all the major social networking sites for almost all its employees. It also blocks yahoo, gmail etc. in case you were about to play the 'social networking is injurious to health' card!
But that is not what i want to talk about.
I want to talk about the past six months. The months I realised for the first time that i was capable of working my ass off! And for someone like me, who keeps messing up with great opportunities due to a highly detrimental attitude, this thought is comforting.
Everyone knows the what/how of the much (in)famous Infy training in Mysore. That how people study almost 15 hours (sometimes more) everyday,how they still run a risk of losing their job the moment they flunk a test and how they are almost always under stress!
For me, the six months have been the most adventurous ride (Although, I could sure write an article on 'How not to treat employees' after this ride; and I will!)
From a lazy start to some hiccups along the way, i took away a lot more from it than i gave away!
So here's a list of things I always wanted to do and eventually did:
1) Learning to ride a bicycle: Now the campus is huge. We had to walk around 1.5 kms everyday to reach the classrooms from the hostels. But that did not make me learn. It instead was an impulse, at 11:30 in the night when I was with a couple of friends when one of them suddenly decided that enough was enough, I had to learn!
And boy did he make sure that I did. In an hour. Flat!
Batty, you're the best!
2) Learning a dance form: I have always been something of a closet dancer. The fact that they held Salsa classes was enough to make me come out of the closet. The writer of this blog is now a certified Bronze level Salsa dancer.Hooray! :D
3) Performing on Stage: This wasn't exactly a first, but close, a second. A lot bigger, better. The thrill of performing on stage, when one can't see the audience but hear when they shout and cheer is exhilarating!(OK,I'll stop talking like a star now.But hey,that's exactly how i felt then!)
4) Going on an unplanned vacation: A group of 8. Stuck in a car. 5 in the morning. Nowhere to go.
Person1:Coorg chalein?
P2: Wahan kuch nahi hai yaar!
P3: Kanyakumari??
P4(shocked): Huh! aisa karte hai,Nepal chalte hain! :D
P5: Ooty?
Abe jaldi batao kahan gaadi modun?
P6: Chalo Ooty!!
5) Throwing up after gettin drunk: It happened on our way back from the trip. No further discussions! :P
6)Shopping impulsively: For everytime i didn't buy something I liked because it was out of my budget,or wasn't necessary, or anything else, I did exactly the opposite!
7) And what the hell..I also learnt some coding on my way!
Overall, the six months showed me the best of times, the worst of times. When i got posted in Bangalore, I thought of it as an end of an era..But I now know, we're just getting started!